Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, is a United Kingdom based registered Company and we are located at 25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HN, United Kingdom.
The business of our organisation are mainly on the cryptocurrency financial market and having other revenue of sustainable finance with extreme risk management administrated to every trading account in order to generate profits.
Yes, that’s right. We started offering our portfolio to clients in 2019 and we expect the company's activity for a long period - our business plan is up to 2050. In any case, we operate on quite dynamic markets that give us the right to expect further development in the next few years.
To register a new account, simply click the “Register” button or “Sign Up” link and fill out the required information.
Our preferred payment includes BITCOIN, ETHEREUM and USDT TRC20.
The minimum deposit amount is $100 BTC or its equivalent.
The minimum you can withdraw from your portfolio is $6.05 BTC or its equivalent. There is no maximum limit to withdraw.
Your deposit will be added after 3 confirmations of network. This process takes between minutes to hours.
If after a while deposit amount didn't appear in your account, please contact our technical support using the feedback form in the "Support" section or write us via
You can process withdrawal through smart contract by clicking the “Withdraw” button on your Defigatefx trading account and entering the proposed amount.
No, don't charge extra fees for Withdrawals
You can change your payment withdrawal address by clicking the “Settings” button on the menu after logging in to your account. Enter your new payment address and save the changes.
For security reasons, we do not allow users to change their e-mail after registration. If you would like to change your e-mail, please contact our support and we will change it for you.
No, you do not need to make a deposit to take part in our referral program.
The system works in automatic mode. Which means that you get you Withdrawals processed within 24 hours after submitting a request.
Yes, you can register multiple accounts from the same computer or IP address.
You can contact our instant support service using the "Livechat” link. We also offer support through Contact Form and E-mail.